Axxum Consulting Receives MBE Certification from NMSDC
Chicago, IL, October 2020 - Chicago, IL, October 2020 - Axxum Consulting LLC is proud to announce that it has received the MBE (Minority Business Entity) Certification through the Chicago Minority Supplier Development Council. After completing the extensive application, meeting, and passing the review and rigorous requirements to mitigate fraud in the MBE certification process, this certification award proves that Axxum Consulting meets the requirements to do business with large corporations, local, state, and federal government departments as a minority business entity. This milestone is a major step for Axxum Consulting on its mission to expand its services and positively impact the organizations it serves.
“Receiving this certification is an honor. We are proud to have successfully gone through the process and been awarded this certification,” says Mariam Huss, Founder of Axxum Consulting.
Founded in 2016, Axxum Consulting is a management consulting firm that offers Human Capital, Operations and Strategy services. For more information, please contact